Unexpected things.

By Red Pomelo - 6/06/2015 11:54:00 PM

so here's the thing.

Jadual konvo lambat keluar. So, before then, I've already paid for IELTS and chosen the date which was on 16th May 2015 (sebab kat ipoh hanya pada 16 May sahaja). Few weeks later, bila jadual konvo dah keluar, it was unfortunate for me as sidang i happen to be on 16th May juga, pada waktu yang sama, 7.30am. So, at that time, i thought macam sayanglah kalau tak pegi konvo. Boleh tukar tarikh, tapi kena add on beberapa ratus lagi and bla3 bnyk plak proses dia. So, originally, I've decided untuk still pegi konvo, tpi sebelah petang - lepas sidang and ielts i settle. Takpe lah, tak naik pentas pun, at least I pegi and dapat juga jumpa kawan-kawan.

But...... On 16th May, sampai je dkat location untuk ambil exam, I pun tgk giliran untuk speaking.
PUKUL 4.30pm. At least half an hour bru settle. So my original plan cancel mcm tu je, sbb tak sempat pun nak ke Shah Alam. Maka, pada hari tersebut aku pun ambil la ielts sewaktu kawan-kawan sedang beratur ambil sijil atas pentas. Sad me. But it was all worth it after all. I'll share with you my ielts results, tips and macam mana nak apply oversea untuk lepasan diploma. :)

p/s ; when it comes to few things yang kita rasa there's only 0.1% chance, its ok. take it, and make it worth. tambah dengan usaha dan doa, 0.1%  chance pun kita boleh dapat InsyaAllah :)

 Anyways, nasib baik waktu pegi ambil jubah, kitorang pun dahh buat pre-convo beria2. So at least I ada jugak gamba dengan kawan2. As you can see from my previous post, my graduation pictures were totally plain and biasa2. Takde sijil or flowers. Just me in jubah konvo, and my family in white. Fair enough :)

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