Carbonara Tteokbokki

By Red Pomelo - 9/02/2015 06:55:00 AM

*maaflah gambar sangat buruk*

So, I do love korean food. But, just some of it. Not all. Please exclude kimchi. Can't eat kimchi. Hate kimchi. Haha. I can't brain the taste of kimchi. Brrrrrrr....

However, I major love tteokbokki or rice cake. Dia tepung beras je sebenarnya. Uli uli smpi jadi kenyal or chewy. I major love makanan yang chewy2 ni. You can find this ready made tteokbokki in Jusco Aeon. It doesnt have halal logo, but for me, for this kind of food that doesnt have halal logo on it, you can simply check the ingredients. So the ingredients for this tteokbokki are just rice flour and salt. Maybe water. Still, if you're unsure, takpayah beli. Senang. Haha. As for me, I think there's nothing to be worried about.

So basically, as i've mentioned, i hate kimchi or anything that taste quite similar to it. Pastu masakan mcm cili tak masak tu pun i tak berapa suka. For example, dlm menu spicy rice cake or spicy tteokbokki in any korean restaurant, contains some sort of spicy not so cooked chilli in it together w the rice cake. Well, i love the rice cake, but not the chilli. Erghh

So yeah, made some flavour improvisation. As the rice cake itself is tasteless, so what's important is the sauce you made with it. So i used carbonara sauce to be paired w this rice cake. Yummmm. Benda paling senang nak masak, 5 minit dah siap. Paling malas, kalau tak tambah apa2 dlm carbonara tu pun takpe. Masak apa yg ada dlm tin tu je.

Oh plus kalau beli ready made kt jusco tu, instruction dia dlm korean. Haha. So just simply rebus, or steam sekejap sampai rice cake tu lembut. Then masak carbonara dan msuk skali rice cake dalam tu.

To anyone who love rice cake but love-hate the chilli, you should try this :) Happy eating!

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