From MY to Melbourne - Sydney

By Red Pomelo - 7/24/2015 10:28:00 PM

Assalamualaikum, Salam Aidilfitri  Maaf Zahir Batin :)

It's been quite some time is it? Cepat je masa berlalu. Ramadhan dah pun meninggalkan kita, dan sekarang semua orang mesti tgh sibuk beraya.

Anyways, lucky me Alhamdulillah dapat merasa puasa time winter di aussie :) Subuh on 5.50am, maghrib on 5.03pm. Huwahaha. So, as my sister dah ada dekat Melbourne for some sort of winter camp, so i decided utk jenjalan dengan dia for about 7-8 days in aussie-Melbourne and Sydney. So as it was just the two of us, we did plan our journey. Well, thoroughly. Haha. It was not a detailed plan, but after all our holiday went pretty well and i did lose some weight sebab jalan kaki banyak sgt HAHA.

We didn't rent any car and travel only by public transport. Trams, trains and buses. Thats all. Penat sikit jalan but after all it was pretty cold especially in Melb so takdelah rasa mcm nak marah je bila kena jalan jauh-jauh. Hahaha. I find it quite interesting to travel to places only by public transport especially when malaysia punya public transport cam .............. . Heh. Well we are developing country so that's the difference dengan developed country.

Alah pegi tempat biasa2 je - yg semua org pegi bila smpi Melb and Sydney.

We did a little bit of shopping on the first day, looking for winter clothes and what not. Heading to Mount Buller on the next day. Yeehaaa

It was a 3 hours journey. I've booked tickets and packages from . It was a good deal and i'm quite satisfied with their hospitality. However it was around 300-400 AUD (sbb 2 orang) kalau nak puas main. Tapi tak puas sgt sbb limited time kan. Pick up time is 5.30am (sahur dalam bas), sampai Mt Buller at 10am cmtu.

The best experience so far. Sad me, first time main salji hahaha. Alhamdulillah hehe ;D

As it was winter, we don't have much time to wander around. Nak kena bukak puasa and carik makanan lagi, plus its just two of us, perempuan pulak tu, so taknak la balik malam sgt. Overall, we went to Brighton Beach, Ripponlea House and Garden, Victoria Market, Sydney Road, and lain2 tu jenjalan around city, hentam naik trams and train. Tak naik bus sgt kat Melb.

K malas nak update yg sydney punya. Nanti update. Bye :)

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